Welcome @ Huising.net

Homepage for the huising.net domain, purchased in 2000 and primarily being used as email domain for the Huising family.
Besides the email domain, after 30+ years in IT I, Peer Huising, decided to start as an independent IT consultant (Huising IT consultancy) and use the domain for my website, so if you are looking for (Interim) IT management, independent IT advice, an IT business partner or coach please feel free to use the link below for more details.

IInteresting fact about banner "HUISING STR"

A few years ago (Dec. 2015) I walked into this streetname in Somerset-West, South Africa. My curiosity and interest in family history were immediately triggered. Long story short, follow below link to learn more about Henning Huising who founded the Meerlust wine estate in Stellenbosch South Africa in 1693. Henning Huising

IT Consultancy

Voor (Interim) management, project management, independent IT advies, coaching, business partner, participation: IT Consulantancy